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Limu Certification Programme

What is the Limu Certification Programme?

One of the most important factors determining a Learner's choice of a Knowledge Asset is the Teacher's ability to deliver high quality content, and a positive and rewarding learning experience.

The purpose of the Limu Teacher Certification Programme is to ensure that teaching standards are credible and of the highest quality. With this assurance, we also aim to raise the Learner's confidence in online education. This certification programme aims at providing the Learners with a means of quality assurance, and the Teachers with a way of differentiating their certified Knowledge Assets from those Teachers who are non-certified.

Limu believes that although a formally recognised teaching qualification is not necessarily required for individual Teachers, maintaining the highest teaching standards and criteria is essential. The applications of Teachers who request to be certified will be assessed on the basis of their Knowledge of their chosen subject. Previous teaching experience and practise will also be taken into account.

The Limu Teacher certification is awarded to Teachers on a sub-category basis, (e.g. Philosophy as a sub-category of the top-level category Arts & Humanities). Therefore a Teacher will have to be certified in each sub-category in which he/she intends to offer certified Knowledge Assets online.

Teacher certification process

The certification process consists of two phases.

Phase 1: The Teacher fills out an online questionnaire. The questionnaire is divided into three parts: (i) a review of the Teacher's command of his/her chosen subject category and related methodology, (ii) the Teacher's general ability and suitability to teach online, and (iii) the verification of basic information related to the Teacher.

Phase 2 will follow once the Teacher has provided sufficient information through the online questionnaire. Limu's certification staff could request additional information, in which case, the Teacher will be notified as soon as possible. Our certification staff may verify information supplied by the Teacher, and if necessary, might request a short sample lecture of a Knowledge Asset that the Teacher intends to offer online in the certified sub-category.

Apply today

Because we emphasise the importance of online education and training to be of the highest quality, we would like to offer our Teachers the opportunity to apply for certification at no cost for a limited introductory period only.

To apply today, simply click on the relevant link below (you must be registered and logged in, in order for the registration link to be shown) and you will be able to complete and submit your online questionnaire immediately. Alternatively, you can access the questionnaire from your account area.

>> Please register and log in to access the certification link! <<


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