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 Terms of Usage

In these "Terms of Usage", we use "", "Limu", "", bLimu", "Us", "Our" or "We" for Limited. We define as a "Member" any individual or entity which has registered at one of Our Sites. A Member is defined as a "Provider" if offering a Knowledge Asset through Our Sites, or offers a Knowledge Asset to a Learner in response to a Learner's posting of a wanted Knowledge Asset at Our Sites. A Member is defined as a "Learner" if booking a Knowledge Asset from Our databases of available Knowledge Assets that have been registered by Providers. We define a "Knowledge Asset" as that what a Provider registers and offers through Our Sites (as an example this can include training, courses or tutoring services). We define "Sessions" as those units, one or several of which constitute a Knowledge Asset. We define a "Visitor" as an individual or legal entity that is not a Member and who is visiting Our Sites, downloading any viewing information from our servers. We define Our "Sites" as all information, functionality and services made available on the Internet from Our servers as well as all information, functionality and services made available by Us off-line. In this document we use "You" to refer to a Member or Visitor unless defined otherwise. These Terms of Usage govern the Usage of Our Sites by Members and Visitors and the relationship between Us and Members, whether they are Learners or Providers, as well as the relationship between Providers and Learners.

It is important that You read these Terms of Usage before using Our Sites. Your use of Our Sites means that You agree to all Terms of Usage applicable to Visitors set out herein. Should you register as a Member, You agree by clicking on the "Register Now" or "Continue" button that (a) You have read this document and understand all of its contents and (b) You accept all the Terms of Usage applicable to Members set out in this document.

I General Set of Rules

1. Ownership and License

The contents of all pages of Our Sites are protected by UK and/or international copyright laws. You may use Our Sites provided that You do not copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, in any manner or form, and provided that You do not modify or attempt to modify Our Sites in any manner or form. However, you may copy the material on Our Sites for your personal use or for the purpose of sending such material to individual third parties for their personal information provided that you acknowledge Us as a source of the material and that you inform the third party that these conditions apply to them and that they must comply with them. You are also not allowed to use any of the information on Our Sites for commercial purposes other than for those purposes explicitly granted to You under these Terms of Usage. You will not acquire any intellectual property rights in Our Sites.

No Member or Visitor shall grant any sub-licence of their right to use Our Sites without Our prior written permission.

2. Changes in the Terms of Usage

Limu may modify these Terms of Usage at any time by on-screen message to this page and the modification will take effect from the date it is first made available on this page.

We retain the right to cancel the membership of any Member if We see it fit, and bar any Visitor to access and download data and information from Our Sites.

3. Right of Access

Access to Our Sites is free. However, We retain the right to refuse access to anybody at any time if We see it fit, without giving a reason for such refusal.

4. Third Party Links

Our Sites may contain links to third party Web sites. We do not control such Web sites, access to those Web sites or their content. Limu accepts no responsibility or liability for access to, or the material on, any services or site which is linked from or to Our Sites.

5. Usage of Our Sites

This section regulates the usage of Our Sites by Visitors and Members (defined as "Usage" or "Use"). Please note, that a Members' Usage of Our Sites is defined as to include in addition to the Memeber's direct usage of Our Sites, all direct and indirect usage of Our Sites by any individual or entity, where such individual and entity has been granted access to Our Sites and its functionalty by a Member.

Usage may not, under any circumstances, engage in any of the following:

(a) act, or fail to act, in the Usage of Our Sites, in a manner that is contrary to any applicable law or regulation;

(b) transmit any material that may infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties, including trademark, copyright or right of publicity;

(c) transmit any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots, or any other harmful or deleterious programs;

(d) post or transmit through Our Sites, unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature;

(e) publish, encourage, distribute or disseminate defamatory, infringing or other unlawful material or information via Our Sites; or

(f) Use Our Sites to threaten, harass, stalk, abuse, or otherwise violate the legal rights (including rights of privacy) of others.

Members and Visitor agree to indemnify and hold without harm Limu, its officers, employees, agents, directors, shareholders and other Visitors and Members from any and all claims, damages, expenses (including attorney's fees) and liabilities resultant from any and all Usage that is contrary to the Usage restriction under this section. We retain the right to remove any material that is in breach of these usage restrictions at any time if we see it fit. We also reserve the right to discontinue the membership of any Member and bar access to Our Sites to any Visitor, who's Usage of Our Sites is contrary to the Usage restriction under this section. Each Visitor and Member further indemnifies Limu against any third party claims arising out of any infringement of advertiser's trademarks by any user of Our Sites.

6. Policy of Privacy

In certain circumstances, We may have to provide third parties with information about Visitors and/or Members, in order to provide You with a better service. Please refer to Our Limu's "Policy of Privacy" for additional details.

7. Indemnification

You will indemnify Limu against any inconvenience, loss, damage or expense incurred by Limu arising out of or in connection with your misuse of the services or the information or a breach of these Terms of Usage.

8. Limitation of Liability

We have endeavoured to develop Our Sites that would offer You a service of quality. However We cannot promise that everything on Our Sites is error-free and under no circumstances will We be liable for any damage arising from the Usage of Our Sites. In providing you with Our's platform and services, We are using, buying or licensing technologies from a number of third parties. You agree not to hold Us responsible for any problem or loss whatsoever arising from the usage of these technologies by Us.

Under no circumstances shall We be liable to You where You experience slow response times as a result of using Our Sites.

Under no circumstances shall We be liable to You in the event that Our host crashes or any services, supplied by third parties to Us that enable Us to provide to You certain or all of Our services, become unavailable thereby making Our Sites unavailable to You at any time.

Under no circumstances will We be liable to You for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential losses or damages (including third party claims) or loss of profits, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings or for any financial loss whatsoever (save to the extent caused by fraudulent misrepresentation or deceit) suffered by You or any third party howsoever caused (including any loss or damage suffered by You as a result of an action brought by a third party) arising in relation to Our Sites (including any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in Our Sites or any faults, interruptions or delays in connection with the services provided to Limu in relation to Our Sites) or any action taken in reliance on the information provided or in connection with those services, regardless of whether any such loss or damage would arise in the ordinary course of events or otherwise, or is reasonably foreseeable or is otherwise in the contemplation of the parties. No liability is excluded to the extent such liability may not be excluded or limited by law.

9. Legal Disclaimer

The information on Our Sites may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The information on our Sites may be changed or updated without notice.

The information on Our Sites is provided "as-is". We make no representations or warranties in regard to the contents of and materials provided in Our Sites and exclude all representations, conditions, and warranties, express or implied arising by operation of law or otherwise, except to the extent such representations, conditions or warranties may not be excluded by law.

We shall not be liable in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential losses or damages, or loss of profits, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings or for any financial loss whatsoever, regardless of whether any such loss or damage would arise in the ordinary course of events or otherwise, or is reasonably foreseeable or is otherwise in the contemplation of the parties in connection with Our Sites. No liability is excluded to the extent such liability may not be excluded or limited by law and nothing in this disclaimer shall limit or exclude the liability of Limu for death or personal injury caused by its negligence.

Whilst We make reasonable attempts to exclude viruses from Our Sites, We cannot guarantee such exclusion and no liability is accepted for viruses. You are recommended to take all appropriate safeguards before downloading information from our Sites.

No liability is accepted for the contents of any site operated by a third party which may be accessed via links from Our Sites. Such links are provided for your convenience only and do not imply that We approve or recommend the content of such sites.

The information contained in Our Sites is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject Us to any additional registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country.

10. Modification to Our Sites

We reserve the right in Our sole discretion to improve, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, Our Sites or any content or information on Our Sites with or without notice to its Members. Members agree that Limited shall not be liable for any modification or discontinuance of Our Sites.

11. Trademark

If You have been granted the right by Us to display any of Our logos or link(s) on Your Web site via an agreement with Us, We grant You a non exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable right to display our link on Your Web site solely in connection with these Terms of Usage. You agree not to alter or modify such Link or display such Link in any manner that is disparaging or otherwise damages Our goodwill. Your breach of any of the foregoing obligations may result in immediate termination of Your agreement by Us. Upon termination or expiration of Your agreement with Us, You will promptly remove any links from Your Web site to Our Sites.

12. Term

These Terms of Usage will become effective immediately upon any use by the Member or the Visitor of Our Sites and shall remain effective unless terminated by either party. Either party may terminate these Terms by providing the other with written or e-mail notice of such termination which shall be effective immediately upon delivery of such notice to the other party. Furthermore, We may terminate the membership of any Member immediately upon any breach by that Member of these Terms of Usage or any applicable policy as posted on Our Sites from time to time.

13. Miscellaneous

These Terms of Usage will be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

You shall under no circumstances use Our Sites so as to interfere with or disrupt other Visitors, Members, network users, network services or network equipment. Disruptions shall include, for these purposes, without limitation, the distribution of unsolicited advertising or chain letters, repeated harassment of other network users, wrongly impersonating another user, falsifying one's network identity for improper or illegal purposes, sending unsolicited mass-emailing, propagation of computer viruses, and using the network to make unauthorised entry to any other machine accessible location, via Our Sites or the network.

No delay or failure by Us in enforcing these Terms of Usage or in exercising or not exercising any of its rights hereunder shall constitute a waiver or release by Us of any of Our rights or a waiver of any of Our remedies under these Terms of Usage.

These Terms of Usage represent the entire agreement between Us and You in relation to the matters covered herein.

If any part of these Terms of Usage is held to be invalid or unenforceable then the remainder of these Terms of Usage shall remain valid and enforceable.

We are under no obligation to accept payment for any product or service by You, and We reserve the right to refuse such payment without giving a reason for such refusal.

II Member Agreement

This Member Agreement contains additional Terms of Usage applicable between Us and the Member and governs the use of the services offered to Members at Our Sites.

1. Who is a Member?

Anybody who registers at one of Our Sites (e.g. or is considered to be a Member. Every Member may appear as a Provider and/or as a Learner. For further Terms of Usage for Providers refer to the Our "Provider Agreement" below.

2. We Connect Learners and Providers

Our service enables Providers to offer Knowledge Assets and Learners to book and take such Knowledge Assets online. We do not take part in the interaction between Learners and Providers except to collect payment on behalf of the Providers as well as providing services enabling the Provider and Learner to contact each other and interact between them. We do not have control over the quality, timing or legality of services actually delivered by the Providers. Members agree not to hold Us (or Our agents or employees) liable for any advice or services delivered which originated through Our Sites.

Members also agree that We shall have the right to modify, amend and change information provided and entered by Members as part of using Our service, so as to allow Us to correct spelling mistakes and/or improve the readability of language used.

3. Eligibility

Our services are available only to individuals, groups of individuals or other legal entities who can form legally binding contracts. Our services are also available to minors, provided that prior parental consent as required by the rules and regulations applicable in the respective country of citizenship of such minors is obtained by them and provided that such parent or guardian shall be legally liable for any and all obligations incurred by the minor as a result of using Our Sites. In the case of a Member being a minor, parents or guardians of that minor should always supervise his/her Usage of Our Sites. If You are a minor and your parent or guardian is not prepared to undertake legal liability for any and all obligations incurred by You as a result of using Our Sites, then You are prohibited from accessing or using Our Sites and You may not register as a Member. You agree to supervise and be held responsible for all Usage by third parties of Our Sites under Your name or account. This includes individuals or entities that will make use of any of Our Sites functionality as part of your general Provider or Learner Usage of the site, having been granted access to such functionality through Your Usage of Our Site.

The information contained in Our Sites is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law, regulation, treaty or administrative act, or which would subject Us to any additional registration or other requirement, or any obligation other than those set out in these Terms of Usage, within such jurisdiction or country.

If You reside in a country or jurisdiction in which any law, regulation, treaty or administrative act prohibits You from entering into trade relations with the United Kingdom or its citizens, or which prohibits You from receiving or using the information contained in Our Sites, or which would subject Us to any additional registration or other requirement, or any obligation other than those set out in these Terms of Usage, within such jurisdiction or country, then You may not use Our Sites and you may not register as a Member. All Members agree to abide by the Terms of Usage governing Our Sites and services in order to retain their membership.

4. Feedback and Rating

Feedback and ratings are a good way to regulate the quality of the services provided by a Provider and the relationship between Learners and Providers. At completion of all Knowledge Asset Sessions between a Provider and a Learner, the Learner is prompted to complete a feedback form and rate the Provider's overall performance as well as the quality of the Knowledge Asset attended. Members agree to provide this feedback and ratings in a fair manner. Members also consent to have such feedback given by them or provided about them displayed publicly to other users of Our Sites.

5. Transaction, Billing and Payment Policy

Once the Learner and the Provider agree on the terms and payment method for purchasing a Knowledge Asset, there is an implicit contract binding them. The Provider will be bound to give the purchased Knowledge Asset on the terms so agreed. Provider and Learner can agree to use one of the three following times upon which payment can be made:

(i) payment at the time of booking confirmation (Learner pays upon confirming his booking of a Knowledge Asset),

(ii) payment if Learner is satisfied with the Knowledge Asset (Provider will prompt the Learner for payment at any time during or after completion of the Knowledge Asset, after which the Learner shall pay for the Knowledge Asset, if reasonably satisfied with the Knowledge Asset), and

(i) payment at delivery (at the time the Knowledge Asset has been completed the Learner is prompted to pay immediately upon completion of a Knowledge Asset).

A group user Provider, in addition to the timing of the payment, may choose to use one of the following methods of payment:

(a) credit card - the Provider elects and authorises Us to collect payment on his/her behalf from the Learner, and We will charge the Learner's credit card (defined hereafter as any credit or debit cards used to make payment on Our Sites) according to the fee agreed between the Learner and the Provider and according to the payment time agreed, and

(b) invoicing - the Provider has elected to invoice the Learner directly where We will not collect such payment and the Provider will independently collect payment according to the payment time agreed with the Learner.

In the case of credit card payments, the Learner authorises Us to verify his/her available credit on his/her credit card, at the time of payment and when entering his/her credit card details.

In the case where the Provider has elected to invoice the Learner directly the Provider will generate an invoice at the time of payment agreed with the Leaner and We will send this invoice to the Learner. The invoice will contain the details relating to how the Provider wishes to receive payment, such details having being provided by the Provider. The Learner agrees to pay the agreed fee to the Provider in the manner as set out by the Provider in the invoice.

If "payment at booking" was agreed between Learner and Provider, We will prompt the Learner to enter his/her credit card details at booking if he/she has chosen to pay by credit card (Limu points are an alternative way of paying for Knowledge Asset or other services on Our Sites and can be purchased in bulk by credit card after which they will be available to pay for Knowledge Asset or other services on Our Sites) or the Provider will generate an invoice that We will send to the Learner if he/she has elected to invoice the Learner directly. Should this booking be for a Knowledge Asset where the Provider will still have to confirm that such Knowledge Asset will take place, the Learner's credit card will only be charged once the Provider will have confirmed the Knowledge Asset.

If "payment at delivery" was agreed between Learner and Provider, the Provider will prompt the Learner to make payment following completion of a Knowledge Asset and the Learner will then be able to enter his/her credit card details if he/she has chosen to pay by credit card (Limu points are an alternative way of paying for Knowledge Asset or other services on Our Sites and can be purchased in bulk by credit card after which they will be available to pay for Knowledge Asset or other services on Our Sites). If the Provider has elected to invoice the Learner directly he/she will generate an invoice that We will send to the Learner following completion of a Knowledge Asset.

If the Provider and Learner have agreed to use the "Learner pays if satisfied with Knowledge Asset" method, the Learner will be able to commence the Knowledge Asset without payments. The Provider can, following the start of the Knowledge Asset, at any time prompt the Learner for payment of the agreed amount. The Learner will then be prompted to rate the Knowledge Asset up to this time and, if a feedback rating above the lowest grade possible is given by the Learner, the Learner will have to pay for the Knowledge Asset. If the Provider has chosen to receive credit card payments the Learner will be prompted to enter his/her credit card details and pay for the Knowledge Asset. If the Provider has elected to invoice the Learner directly the Provider will generate an invoice that We will send to the Learner. The Learner will not be required to pay for this Knowledge Asset if he/she in good faith assigns the Provider and the Knowledge Asset a feedback rating at the lowest grade possible and provides a reasoned commentary with it. By accepting this Member Agreement, the Learner commits to perform his feedback fairly. Please also refer to the feedback section.

The Learner authorises Us to charge the Learner's credit card with the amount of the agreed charge for each Knowledge Asset booked by the Learner, such charge to be made upon confirmation of the Knowledge Asset by the Learner if the "payment at booking" method has been agreed, or following completion of a Knowledge Asset if the "pay at delivery" method has been agreed. If the "Learner pays if satisfied with Knowledge Asset" method has been agreed, the Learner authorises Us to charge the Learner's credit card with the amount of the agreed charge for the Knowledge Asset booked by the Learner at such time when the Learner has assigned the Provider and the Knowledge Asset a feedback rating above the lowest grade possible and has provided his/her credit card, unless the Learner has rated the Provider in good faith at the lowest grade possible.

The Learner shall not, for any reason whatsoever, be entitled to cancel a Knowledge Asset, withdraw authorisation to charge his/her credit card for payment for a Knowledge Asset or refuse for any reason to make payment for a Knowledge Asset once the terms and payment method of that Knowledge Asset have been agreed by the Learner and the Provider.

In agreeing to the one or the other payment method, Members agree that they fully and without recourse to any other Member involved in the booking accept the following:

  • in choosing or agreeing to use the "payment at booking", the Learner understands and fully accepts the risk that the Provider will be unable or simply unwilling to fulfil part or all of the Knowledge Asset. Under no circumstance will the Learner reclaim or try to reclaim his/her payment from the Provider or Us. The Learner may notify Us in the case he/she is of the opinion that the Provider has in part or entirely failed to honour his/her agreement in providing such Knowledge Asset, in which case We, at Our sole discretion, will review this case and consider suspension of the Provider if regarded appropriate. In such event, We shall not be obliged to inform the Learner of the reason for the Provider's suspension.

  • in choosing or agreeing to use the "pay at delivery" method, the Provider understands and fully accepts the risk that the Learner may fail to make payment to the Provider for the Knowledge Asset when prompted for payment following the completion of the Knowledge Asset. Under such circumstances the Provider agrees not to claim or try to claim his payment from Us. Both Learner and Provider agree that they will be entirely and completely responsible to settle any disputes they might have between themselves, and will fully accept that We are not responsible for settling any disputes related to the service received or not received, or the payment due. We will from time to time monitor a random selection of Providers' and Learners' behaviour, ratings and comments and We retain the right to suspend the membership of any Member not adhering to the policies of Our Sites or these Terms of Usage.

  • in choosing or agreeing to use the "Learner pays if satisfied with Knowledge Asset" method, the Provider understands and fully accepts the risk that the Learner may assign the lowest possible rating to the Provider and the Knowledge Asset when prompted for payment and as such not proceed to pay for the Knowledge Asset. Under such circumstances the Provider agrees not to claim or try to claim his payment from the Learner or Us. Should a dispute arise nonetheless, both Learner and Provider agree that they will be entirely and completely responsible to settle any disputes they might have between themselves, and will fully accept that We are not responsible for settling any disputes related to the service received or not received, or the payment due. We will from time to time monitor a random selection of Providers' and Learners' behaviour, ratings and comments and We retain the right to suspend the membership of any Member not adhering to the policies of Our Sites or these Terms of Usage.
6. Members' Obligations

a) The Member agrees that all information provided by him/her at registration or at any other stage while using the services on Our Sites is true and accurate and to amend that information, as the need arises to maintain its truthfulness and completeness.

b) The Member agrees that any payment information provided to Us is true, valid and accurate and that You are authorised to use the credit card, the details of which You supply.

c) The Member will have chosen an account user name and password when registering with Us. The Member is fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her password and is fully responsible for any activity occurring under the Member's account. If the Member is aware of any breach of this confidentiality, he/she undertakes to notify Us at the shortest notice and request Us to deactivate his/her account at the earliest possible opportunity.

d) The Member agrees to use any service on Our Sites only to send and receive messages and materials that are relevant and proper to the applicable forum, topic and feature of Our Sites. In general Members agree that they will not try to misuse the services offered on Our Sites outside the meaning and spirit of this Member Agreement and Our Sites.

e) The Member agrees not to use Our Sites for any purpose that is in violation of any law.

f) The Member agrees not to advertise or offer to sell any products or services not relevant to the services offered on Our Sites.

g) The Member agrees that spamming is strictly prohibited on Limu. Members must refrain from sending messages to other Members if such could be considered as outside the context of an ongoing booking process or Knowledge Asset, or outside the scope of the services offered on Our Sites.

h) The Member agrees that he/she will grant the other Members he/she has entered a transaction a mutual non-exclusive right to access and use for private usage (unless granted for explicit commercial usage by the Member) the documents and materials made available by him/her during a Knowledge Asset, and especially as relating to all information resulting from any online interaction between the Member with the other Members that form part of a Knowledge Asset, such as voice chat, text chat, drawing boards or discussion forums. This usage right is granted in perpetuity to the other Members and at no cost to such Members, other than the cost of the Knowledge Asset itself paid by Learners to the Provider of this Knowledge Asset.

i) The Member grants Limu a non-exclusive right to store and use information under (h) above on our servers and to use this information for the purpose of (i) advertising any of our services, (ii) making such information available to the Knowledge Asset participants in various formats, (iii) using such information as part of other services on Our Sites, and (iv) for any other commercial usage or purpose reasonably required by Us.

j) The Member agrees not to communicate his/her personal details for the purpose of entering into a transaction off-line. The Member agrees to pay to Us the same Transaction Fees for any economic services provided to other Members, where such service provisioning has been made possible by way of using any of the services offered on Our Sites, and such services are not paid for through Our Sites, except where such Provider has been explicitly allowed by Us to invoice Learners for Knowledge Assets provided to them in accordance with these Terms of Usage.

7. Certification

We offer a certification service to Providers, by which We aknowledge to have received certain information allowing Us to make an assessment on the Provider's ability to provide Knowledge Assets in a particular subject and/or the Provider's ability to provide such Knowledge Asset online on Our Sites.

In granting a certification status to a Provider, We make no warranty or representation in connection with the ability of that Provider to provide or the Provider's knowledge or command of the particular Knowledge Asset's subject.

8. Access to Information

The Member has the right to access his/her own account details as well as the sum of information and documents accumulated throughout his/her Usage of Our Sites.

9. Limitation of Liability and Policy of Privacy

Please refer to the general Terms of Usage of Our Sites for details on our liability and on Our "Policy of Privacy".

III Provider Agreement

This "Provider Agreement" contains the specific Terms of Usage applicable to any Member of Limu offering one or several Knowledge Assets on Our Sites to other Members of Limu, and using Our Sites to register such Knowledge Assets .

1. Who is a Provider?

At Limu we define a Member as being also a Provider, if such Member has has registered one or more Knowledge Assets on Our Sites.

2. Providers' obligations

A Provider is required to abide by the following obligations:

a) The Provider agrees to provide Us with true, accurate and complete information on registration and to amend that information, as the need arises to maintain its truthfulness and completeness. We may at Our sole discretion terminate this Provider Agreement if it appears to Us that any information provided to Us by the Provider is untrue or inaccurate. Any liabilities arising from such termination will exclusively be carried by the Provider.

b) The Provider agrees that he/she will grant the Learners he/she has entered a transaction with the right to access and use for private usage (unless granted for explicit commercial usage by the Provider) the documents and materials made available during the Knowledge Asset. This usage right is granted in perpetuity and at no extra cost to the Learner other than the cost of the Knowledge Asset itself. Providers have the right to amend or change any of the content they have made available on Our Sites as part of a Knowledge Asset they offer, but once a Knowledge Asset has been completed, all documents that are contained in the Knowledge Asset Library will remain accessible for Learners that booked and attended such Knowledge Asset.

c) The Provider grants Us a non-exclusive right to store and use information under (b) above on our servers and to use this information for the purpose of (i) advertising the Provider's Knowledge Assets, (ii) advertising any of Our services, (iii) making such information available to the Provider's Learners in various formats, (iv) using such information as part of other services on Our Sites, and (iv) for any other commercial usage or purpose reasonably required by Us.

d) The Provider undertakes not to fulfil any transaction off-line that has been originated on Our Sites. In any case, were this to happen, the Provider would disclose the information to Us diligently and pay Us the transaction fees otherwise payable online, except where such Provider has been explicitly allowed by Us to invoice Learners for Knowledge Assets provided to them in accordance with these Terms of Usage.

e) The Provider agrees not to use Our Sites in an unlawful or inappropriate manner. This includes, but is not limited to, abiding by the applicable law, not sharing any improper information with another Member, or information that is not relevant to the Knowledge Assets discussed and not posting any materials or documents which may be deemed to be defamatory or libellous. The Provider recognises and agrees to abide by the fact that he/she must apply the utmost diligence and care in only offering content to his Learner(s) that is legal under the applicable law of the Learner(s).

f) The Provider agrees that he/she will not post anything on Our Sites which infringes any third party's intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, all copyright).

3. Amendment of the Provider's profile

We have the right to amend as We see it fit the Provider's profile, without asking him/her for the right to do so.

4. The Transaction with the Learner

The Provider agrees to abide by the terms of his/her agreement with the Learner, whether it relates to the Knowledge Assets, the content, the quality, the level and the payment details.

5. Certification

We offer a certification service to Providers, by which We aknowledge to have received certain information allowing Us to make an assessment on the Provider's ability to provide Knowledge Assets in a particular subject and/or the Provider's ability to provide such Knowledge Asset online on Our Sites. We reserve the right to decline and not grant certified status to any Provider at our sole discretion and without any need to justify such decision to the Provider. We also expressly reserve the right to strip a Provider of his/her certification status at any time without any need to justify such decision.

In addition, by granting a certification status to a Provider, Limu makes no warranty or representation in connection with the ability of that Provider to provide or the Provider's knowledge or command of the particular Knowledge Asset's subject.

6. Payment and billing

The Provider agrees that We shall receive on his/her behalf any payment due by a Learner to the Provider, except where a Provider has elected to invoice Learners directly for Knowledge Assets provided to them in accordance with these Terms of Usage ("Invoiced Knowledge Assets"). In the former case, once such Learner has taken appropriate steps to pay any amount owed for a particular Knowledge Asset ("Credit Card Knowledge Asset Fee") and such Credit Card Knowledge Asset Fee is received by Us, Limu will deduct its transaction fee (defined as the "Credit Card Transaction Fee").

Where a group user Provider has elected to invoice the Learner directly for amounts payable by the Learner for a Knowledge Asset("Invoiced Knowledge Asset Fee"), Limu will charge the Provider a transaction fee ("Invoiced Transaction Fee") on Invoiced Knowledge Asset Fees that Accrue to the Provider. We define "Accrue" as the moment upon which Provider and Learner agree that the Provider will deliver a Knowledge Asset to the Learner.

Such Transaction Fee (either Credit Card or Invoiced Transaction Fee) is calculated on the basis of a percentage of the relevant Knowledge Asset Fee based on the accumulated Knowledge Asset Fees (both Credit Card Knowledge Asset Fees and Invoiced Knowledge Asset Fees) related to that Provider at the date at which such Knoweldge Asset Fee is received by Us (in the case of Credit Card Transaction fees) or Accrued (in the case of Invoiced Transaction Fees) in that calendar month according to the sliding scale set out below, except that Invoiced Transaction Fees are 2 percentage points lower than the percentages stipulated in the table below:

Total Knowledge Asset Fees accrued per month: Transaction Fee applicable to such fees
US$0-US$249 20%
US$250-US$999 12.5%
US$1,000-US$4,999 10%
US$5,000-US$19,999 7.5%
more than US$20,000 5%

There is a minimum Credit Card Transaction Fee of US$ 1 (one) of the total Credit Card Knowledge Asset Fee paid by the Learner for each Knowledge Asset.

There is a minimum Invoiced Transaction Fee of US$ 1 (one) of the total Invoiced Knowledge Asset Fee Accrued for each Knowledge Asset.

In the case of Invoiced Knowledge Asset Fees We will invoice the Provider for Limu's Invoiced Transaction Fee. Invoiced Transaction fees will be billed monthly at the end of each calendar month and are payable in full thirty (days) after the date of the invoice.

In the case of Credit Card Knowledge Asset Fees the Credit Card Knowledge Asset Fee paid by the Learner minus the Credit Card Transaction Fee will then credited by Us to the Provider, and appear on the Provider's account balance. However, only once a Knowledge Asset has been completed and archived by the Provider, and following a certain amount of days, currently set at 15 (fifteen) days, will the Provider be able to access such amounts ("Available Account Balance"), requesting either payment by cheque (see further below) or exchange of all or part of his/her balance into Limu Points.

At the end of each month, We will pay an amount of money equal to the amount requested by the Provider to be disbursed from his/her Available Account Balance to the Provider by cheque. We will deduct from the payment any transaction fees related to the payment (including but not limited to foreign exchange costs, transfer fees or otherwise) and the Provider will be solely responsible to bear all costs associated in clearing such cheque. The Provider will be able to request disbursements from his/her Available Account Balance at amounts which are above the minimum disbursement threshold ("Minimum Disbursement Threshold") currently set at US$50 (fifty US Dollars) and net of any transaction fees related to the payment (including but not limited to foreign exchange costs, transfer fees or otherwise).

Notwithstanding the above, the Provider authorises Us to withhold disbursements of monies to the Provider until We are satisfied that any particular payment will not be disputed by the Learner concerned or charged back by such Learner's credit card issuer.

The Provider further authorises Us to withhold disbursements of monies to the Provider if We, in Our sole discretion, have reason to believe that such monies may have been paid by the Learner or any third party fraudulently, improperly or without the Learner's authority until We are satisfied that any particular payment will not be disputed by the Learner concerned or charged back by such Learner's credit card issuer, or until such time as We are able to verify, to Our satisfaction, that no fraudulent activity has occurred in relation to those monies.

If for any reason a Learner succeeds in obtaining reimbursement from Us of any monies paid to Us by the Learner, or by any third party fraudulently, improperly or without a rightful credit card holder's authority, after such amount has been disbursed to the Provider, We shall be entitled forthwith to receive reimbursement from the Provider concerned for the total amount of any monies so paid out to the Learner.

Under no circumstances can We be held responsible for the Learner not paying the agreed upon amount for a valid Knowledge Asset booking no matter what the reason for such failure to pay (including without limitation the Learner not having sufficient credit with the credit card issuer to make payment, or the Learner not using a valid credit card for payment). However in that situation, We agree not to charge the Provider with its share of the Transaction Fee.

The Provider agrees that in no circumstances will he/she have any claim against the Learner or Limu, if the payment method agreed at booking was "Learner pays if reasonably satisfied with Knowledge Asset" and such Learner has rated the Provider at the lowest possible level and has thereby confirmed his/her dissatisfaction with the Provider's performance or the quality of the Knowledge Asset.

The Provider also agrees that in no circumstances will he/she have any claim against Us, if the payment method agreed at booking was "Learner pays at delivery" and such Learner has failed to make payment to the Provider for the Knowledge Asset when prompted as completion of the Knowledge Asset.

In cases where the Provider has elected to invoice the Learner directly for Knowledge Asset Fees the Provider agrees that under no circumstance will Limu be responsible for the collection of such Invoiced Knowledge Asset Fees and that all such collection processes are to be undertaken by the Provider between himself/herself and the Learner and independently of Limu.

IV. Our General Referral Policy

We offer our members the ability to refer other Members to Us. Below You will find the general referral policy and its Terms of Usage.

1. How the programme works

We offer Our Members the ability to refer other Members to Us. Once a Member has registered at one of Our Sites, that Member can refer people, asking such new Members to supply the Member's email address at registration. Once such a referred person has successfully registered, an email notification will be sent to the Member.

2. Eligibility

To be eligible to participate to Our referral program, You must be a registered Limu Member. Referees may be colleagues, or relatives, but they must be real individuals or entities (other than Yourself) with a valid and active e-mail address and be referred once only under one email address. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone We believe does not comply with those requirements and claim back any Incentive Payment paid to the Member. We also reserve the right to end or change the terms of this programme at any time.

3. Incentive Terms

You will receive 50 (fifty) Limu Points for every Member that provides your email address (and such email address matched with the one you provided in your Member user profile) when registering.

4. Changes in the Terms of Usage

We also reserve the right to end or change the terms of this programme at any time. Therefore, You should check this page from time to time

This document has last been changed on Januay 29, 2010.

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