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Introduction to Environmental Science


 with Lyn Hoffmann, Ph.D.

short description:
A study of environmental problems and possible solutions
long description:
Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary study of human interactions with the environment. Students will learn basic ecological principles and apply them to global environmental concerns such as rapid population growth, loss of biodiversity, environmental degradation, and pollution. Conservation and restoration projects are also discussed.
level of difficulty:
all welcome
minimum class size:
fee comments:
 session structure





Session 1 - Chapter 1, 2 & 3

live session

Meets live at the end of the first week. Refer to syllabus for covered topics.

2h 0m

Session 2 - Chapters 4, 5 & 11

live session

Meets live at the end of week 2. Refer to syllabus for topics.

2h 0m

Session 3 - Chapters 6, 7, & 12

live session

Meets live at the end of the third week. Refer to syllabus for covered topics.

2h 0m

Session 4 - Chapters 13, 14, & 15

live session

Meets live at the end of the fourth week. Refer to syllabus for covered topics.

2h 0m

Session 5 - Chapters 17, 18, & 19

live session

Meets live at the end of the fifth week. Refer to syllabus for covered topics.

2h 0m

Session 6 - Chapters 8, 9, & 10

live session

Meets live at the end of the sixth (and last) week. Refer to syllabus for covered topics.

2h 0m

total duration: 12h 0m over 6 session(s)
comments: n.a.

references in library: 2

discussion forums: 2

downloadable materials in library: 4

    languages: English
    duration: 12h 0m over 6 session(s)
    fee: 250US$  (2500lp)
    payment: at booking
    delivery method: live online and self-paced

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    United States

    Lyn Hoffmann, Ph.D.

    description of Teacher:
    Mutual respect among students and the instructor is important. I try to create an atmosphere of trust where individuals count and questions and opinions can be offered freely. I feel that students can be challenged without feeling overwhelmed or inadequate. Learning can be fun!

    Teacher's qualifications:
    Dr. Lyn Hoffmann received a Ph.D. in Ecosystem Science with a specialization in Restoration Ecology. She has been a college educator for over eight years, both on-campus and online. She has taught a variety of Natural Science undergraduate and graduate-level courses. She lives in Florida,U.S.A. where she is an avid naturalist, birder, and saltwater angler.
    Teacher's preferred teaching style:
    I believe that good teaching methods include clearly identified learning goals and objectives, good organization of course material, meaningful assignments, relevant assessment, and, above all, an emphasis on interaction between the students and the instructor. The Internet provides a wealth of current information, and I incorporate Internet research into my courses to supplement the text.


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