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Statistics made simple!


 with Ashley Read

short description:
An introduction to statistics on its own and using SPSS presented especially for those who find maths difficult.
long description:
This course is designed for people who need a working knowledge of basic statistics and who don't want to get heavily into mathmatics. It is perfect for those who find learning statistics stressful and painful as the material is presented in an understandable format and the teacher is very very patient! I have used aspects of this course with great success on an individual and group basis with university & college students who previously thought they could never pass a statistics course.

As well as giving a good introduction to statistics, the use of SPSS will also be covered throughout.

Aspects of the course:

Descriptive statistics
Data types and variables
Frequency distributions, central tendency & normal distribution
Hypothesis testing using probability values
Reliability & validity

Statistics tests available include:
Spearmans Correlation
Pearsons Correlation
Chi Square
Dependent t-test
Independent t-test
Analysis of Variance
others if required

Each will be covered with a minimum of mathmatics and students are welcome to select only those sections of the course they need. In this way, each person can personalise and design their own course depending on their requirements. Price and time required depend entirely on whether the student wishes to do all or only some sections of the course

level of difficulty:
minimum class size:
fee comments:
 session structure





Statistics made simple!

live session

An introduction to statistics on its own and using SPSS presented especially for those who find maths difficult.

12h 0m

total duration: 12h 0m over 1 session(s)
comments: n.a.

languages: English
duration: 12h 0m
fee: 150US$  (1500lp)
payment: at booking
delivery method: live online and self-paced

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Ashley Read

description of Teacher:
I am a University Lecturer with experience teaching statistics & research;
Intro to Psychology; Developmental Psyhcology; Communication & Interpersonal Skill;
Cross Cultural Psychology; Psychology of Motivation & Learning; and Computing.
Teacher's qualifications:
I am a University Lecturer and Psychologist. My qualifications are: BSc(Psych)., PGradDipPsych.,
DipHealthSc. In addition, I am near completion of a Doctorate in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Teacher's preferred teaching style:
I teach people the way I would like to be taught - with patience and understanding.
All students are provided with easy to follow course notes and are encouraged to ask questions
anytime. Students are welcome to undertake all or only some sections of the course
so time and price will vary depending on the needs of the student.
I want to emphasise that all sessions with students are customised according to the
students' needs and that all courses are presented informally.
I have used this approach in teaching statistics for the last five years to individuals
and large groups with great success. Many people who previously thought they would fail
statistics have attained high grades.

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