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Who we are

Situated in the heart of London's university district, Limu brings together technological innovation with a vision of combining the Knowledge worker and the Internet to fundamentally transform the way individuals and organisations create, distribute, transact, access and share Knowledge.

At Limu, we see the Internet as the medium of choice for the Knowledge markets of today and tomorrow. The result has been the creation of an integrated web-based virtual classroom and learning management platform, which is deployed for fully integrated, interactive, live web-based learning and training around the world through our learning and training marketplaces.

Our vision

Limu's vision is bold but achievable: to empower individuals, businesses and communities by giving them the means to access and share in the diverse Knowledge available across the world.

As more and more economies become Knowledge-based, there is an increasing demand for training and learning. Learning is now a lifelong process rather than a discrete event in the lifetime of an individual.

With a mission of filling an important gap in the way that people acquire and distribute Knowledge, Limu has established it's Knowledge marketplaces as the core offering and first step in creating a global Knowledge platform focused on empowering individuals and organisations with a positive and unique learning and training experience.

If you would like to know more about us or contact us, please follow this link to send us a message.

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