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Privacy Policy

The following sets out our Privacy Policy. In this "Privacy Policy", we use "", "Umeeting", "", "Limu", "Limu Solutions", "", "Us", "Our" or "We" for Limited. We reserve the right to use the personal information and other data that We collect from you and process it, in our discretion, in order to provide you with our services, identify personal preferences and match your needs with relevant services and products provided by Us.

Note: This policy only applies to Our web sites (including our international sites) and not to the web sites of other companies, individuals or organisations to which We provide links. If you wish to give data to any other person after linking to them from any of Our sites then such data will be given pursuant to the terms and conditions governing the use of their site, for which We accept no responsibility.


By providing Us with personal data and by your use of Our web sites, you thereby give your consent to Us collecting and processing this information. You warrant that such consent has been freely given and based upon such information as you have required for the purposes of giving such consent. Should for any reason We elect to change Our Policy, We will post notification of those changes on this page. You will thus always be kept informed of how We collect and use the information, and under what circumstances We would disclose it.

Note: The information that you submit may be transferred outside the European Economic Area for processing by Limu and its associated companies and to maintain accounts for you at other Limu sites. By supplying personal data to Us, you consent to this transfer.

What and how do We collect information about you and how is it used?
  1. If you register with Us, We ask you to enter your email address, name and other basic information.

  2. We will collect information about your preferences both when you tell Us what these are and by analysis of customer traffic, including by using cookies (see below).

  3. When you register with Us to use any of Our services or receive products you will need to input a variety of information, including (but not limited to) your name and e-mail address, and such other information as you will be requested to supply from time to time.

  4. If you enter a contest or promotion on Our web site We will ask for your name, address and email address and any other information which We consider relevant to the competition. This is so we can administer the contest and inform the winners.

  5. It may be that you provide to Us details of credit or debit cards or bank accounts in order to make payments to Us.

  6. We use information collected about you to personalise your visits to Our web site and recommend topics, subjects and other goods or services to you. We also use the information to help Us develop the design and layout of Our web site to ensure that Our sites are as useful and enjoyable as possible.

  7. From time to time, and within Our discretion, We may use the information to let you know about functionality changes to Our web site, new services We offer, or Our offers that you might find interesting.

  8. Limu will not be liable for any misuse or loss of data arising from the use by Limu of any internet payment system, while such data is in transit, including without limitation between Limu and the visitor, any internet payment system, any acquiring institution and any credit card association.
Will We disclose the information We collect to third parties?

We may provide aggregate statistics about Our sales, customers, traffic patterns and other site information to third parties, but these statistics will not include any information that could personally identify you. We reserve the right to access and disclose individually identifiable information to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests, to operate its systems properly or to protect itself or its users.

How do We protect your information?

When you order services or products through Our web sites, We offer the use of a secure server. The secure server software encrypts the information that you input before it is transmitted to Us. In addition, We have strict security procedures covering the storage and disclosure of your information in order to prevent unauthorised access to comply with the UK Data Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998. This means that sometimes We may ask for proof of identity before We disclose personal information to you.

Limu shall not be liable for any misuse of data by its web host.

Your control over the information We hold

You are entitled pursuant to the Data Protection Act 1998 to require Us to cease or not to begin processing personal data relating to you for the purposes of direct marketing. If you do not wish to receive information from Us (about updates to the site, promotional offers, services or any other subject) please send an email to, clearly stating your desire to that effect.

If you would like Us to remove any personal information and data collected about you from Our records, please send a blank email to, with the word REMOVAL in the "Subject" field. Please note that if you remove your details you will no longer be able to take advantage of many of the features the site has to offer, and agree to be solely responsible and indemnify Us against any resulting economic or other loss you or other members of Our sites will suffer as a result of such removal.


A cookie is a piece of information that is stored on your computer's hard drive by your web browser. We use cookies to store a session number when you will be visiting Our site in order to allow you a continued usage of the site. We do not write any information as relating to your persona into the cookie. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to prevent automatic acceptance. If you choose not to receive cookies, you may still use some of the features of our web site.

Customer feedback and complaints

We welcome your questions and comments about privacy issues and the design of Our web site. Should you have such comments or have a complaint about how We are using your personal data, please send an email to

This document was last updated on January 15, 2010.

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