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teaching online, live and interactively at limu what can I teach
how does it work
how do I get paid
offer a Knowledge Asset now

what can I teach?

At Limu, you can teach or tutor any subject or skill you have mastered, whether academic, professional or hobby-related. Real-life teachers, students, professionals, even hobbyists who have Knowledge to offer can teach and tutor others. We believe that what you know is unique and that there are many people around the world who would want to learn about your areas of Knowledge and expertise. From maths and marketing to painting and cooking, there are over 400 subject categories in which you can register your Knowledge Asset.

Knowledge Assets are any Knowledge offering that you would like to teach at Limu, from courses and degree programmes to tutoring sessions and lifelong learning.

You can offer a one-hour introduction to a subject or a Knowledge Asset consisting of several sessions held over a period of weeks or months. Because Limu is a Knowledge marketplace, it is you who decides what content to offer and how to structure your offering.

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how does it work?

Teaching and tutoring at Limu is based on the Teacher and Learner(s) meeting and interacting live and online in Limu's browser-based Virtual Classroom. With full moderation facilities, live voice chat, live text chat and a virtual drawing board, our Classroom offers you all a traditional classroom would and more. Our Virtual Classroom is accessible at all times, even outside scheduled session times, allowing you to post messages to your Learner(s) in the forum (our online discussion board), or upload files and materials to the library. Transcripts of all live sessions are available to all participants during the Knowledge Asset and after it has been completed. Click here to take a tour of the Virtual Classroom now.

Limu's Knowledge Asset registration wizard will guide you through the registration process. You can structure your Knowledge Asset into several sessions, set your proposed fee, upload various reference materials and customise the classroom according to your specific requirements. You will also receive your own personal Teacher homepage. This shows your Teacher profile and all your Knowledge Assets which can also be booked directly from that page.

As an alternative to posting your own Knowledge Assets, you can search our database of 'wanted Knowledge Assets' that have been posted by Learners who are searching for a Teacher in a particular field or subject. You can respond to these postings if you can meet the Learner's needs.

For more information on how to offer and teach your Knowledge Assets at Limu, please download the following documents:
Structuring and registering a Knowledge Asset
(PDF 27Kb)
How your Knowledge Assets are booked
(PDF 17Kb)
Teaching your Knowledge Assets at Limu
(PDF 21Kb)
offer a Knowledge Asset now

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how do I get paid?

When you teach at Limu, you decide on the amount to charge your Learner(s) for attending your Knowledge Asset(s). We will collect the fees from your Learner(s) and pay you your teaching income balance at the end of each month. We keep a percentage of the Knowledge Asset fee, or a minimum of US$1 per Knowledge Asset in return for providing you with our services.

You can choose to receive payment either:

  • 'at booking' – once you have confirmed the booking with the Learner;

  • 'on satisfaction' – you prompt the Learner to rate your Knowledge Asset at some stage, and if satisfied with the content, the Learner will pay you and you can continue teaching him/her; or

    'on delivery' – once the Knowledge Asset is complete.

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offer a Knowledge Asset now

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