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The Viable Option of Homeschooling Your Children


 with Rebecca McAllister

short description:
Covering the information needed to start homeschooling your child in the United States.
long description:
In this day in age, more parents and guardians are finding that the schools are failing their children. If you have concerns regarding your child's academic learning, social influences, religious upbringing in a anti-religious environment and/or safety in a traditional school setting, homeschooling may be a viable option for you and your family.

This class will cover the history and logic of home study, teaching and learning materials, homeschool styles, legal issues and where to start your new adventure with your children.
level of difficulty:
minimum class size:
fee comments:
 session structure





History of homeschooling

live session

We will cover the history of homeschooling in the USA.

0h 30m

Legal issues and Resources

live session

Each state has unique requirements for homeschooling or homestudy programs. Also how to protect yourself legally.

0h 45m

Homeschooling Styles

review materials

There are numerous options in schooling styes to fit your educational needs.

0h 45m

Curriculum and Schooling Resources

live session

We will discuss options in your curriculum, how you find materials and building lesson plans.

0h 45m

School Organization

prepare assigment

How to organize your school. We will discuss your "classroom", portfolios, outside activities and legal requirements toward graduation.

0h 45m

total duration: 3h 30m over 5 session(s)
comments: n.a.

discussion forums: 4

languages: English
duration: 3h 30m over 5 session(s)
fee: 30US$  (300lp)
payment: at booking
delivery method: live online and self-paced

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United States

Rebecca McAllister

description of Teacher:
Always in a learning mode, I have spent my life absorbing numerous subjects. My varied background has lead me to numerous opportunities throughout my life, including a retail gift basket storefront, a virtual business online and the wonderful opportunity to teach my child at home.
Teacher's qualifications:
2 years of college (a long time ago) never prepared me for the reality of living and working. Since then, I have been self-taught in many subjects with numerous online courses to my name. Certified computer repair, HTML, and numerous others. Homeschool mother of one and tutor to many.
Teacher's preferred teaching style:
My classes are formally developed but casually presented, building from the students questions and personal needs in the given topic.

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