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Human Evolution


 with Kari Kelly

short description:
An Introduction to Biological Anthropology
long description:
What is Anthropology? It can be defined as the science of human cultural and biological variation and evolution. Anthropology has a holistic approach to both human cultural and biological systems, meaning that it takes into consideration several aspects of the human experience in attempts to try to better understand our "essence" and/or our nature as a species. In this course, we will be asking questions about who we were, who we are, and, maybe, where we are going?
Given the complexities of these questions, Anthropologists approach this understanding with what can be termed, a "four field approach", meaning that the field of Anthropology is divided into four specialized subfields: Cultural Anthropology (study of religion, society, politics...), Linguistic Anthropology (the study of the organization of spoken human languages), Archaeology (the study of tools, shelters, artifacts, technology...), and Biological Anthropology (the study of primates, human fossil remains, genetic variation, physical and sexual behavior...). It is the latter of these four subfileds that will be the topic of this course.
Although there is a broad range of topics within this subfield of Anthropology, in this class, we will review the development of what we identify as the modern human species. We will discuss the basic principles of Biological Anthropology such as: Evolutionary theory, Mammalian Biology, Primatology, and Osteology. It is the knowledge of these basic disciplines that will provide us with the tools by which to overview the "Macroevolution" (outward physical change over time) of the human species.
No previous knowledge of Anthropology is expected, although some basic understanding of general biology will be extremely helpful. Be prepared for a lot of Latin terminology!
level of difficulty:
minimum class size:
fee comments:
 session structure





Human Evolution

live session

Course introduction

0h 50m

Evolutionary Theory

live session


0h 50m

Evolution Theory

live session


0h 50m

Mammals: Our Place in Nature

live session

Taxonomy of Vertebrates

0h 50m

Mammals: Our Place in Nature

live session

Biological characteristics of Mammals.

0h 50m


live session


0h 50m


live session


0h 50m

Humans and the Great Apes

live session

The Hominoids

0h 50m

The Living Great Apes

live session

Gibbons, Orangutans, Gorillas, and Chimpanzees.

0h 50m

Modern Humans

live session


0h 50m

Modern Humans

live session

Are Humans unique?

0h 50m

Human Evolution

live session

The Origin of a Species.

0h 50m

Human Evolution

live session

Evolutionary patterns

0h 50m

Human Evolution

live session

The analysis of Fossils and the construction and deconstruction of the "chain of evolution".

0h 50m

The First Hominids

live session

Australopithecus and Homo Habilis.

0h 50m

Genus Homo

live session

Homo Erectus and Archaic Homo Sapiens.

0h 50m

Modern Homo Sapiens

live session

Why did modern humans evolve?

0h 50m

Human Evolution

live session

Course summary. Can we predict future human evolution?

0h 50m

total duration: 15h 0m over 18 session(s)
comments: n.a.

references in library: 2

languages: English
duration: 15h 0m over 18 session(s)
fee: 450US$  (4500lp)
payment: at booking
delivery method: live online and self-paced

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United States

Kari Kelly

description of Teacher:
I have been both a volunteer and an employee of Osteological Laboratories. In college, I volunteered in the Zooarchaeology Laboratory within the Department of Anthropology. As a graduate student of Anthropology, I was employed with the Los Angeles Coroner's Department as a Student Professional Worker and have practiced in the recovery, reconstruction and categorization of Human Biological remains relative to assisting in the assesment of trauma/toolmark analysis.
Teacher's qualifications:
I am presently a certified Educator (by the State of California) and I have been working in the LAUSD education system for three years. I am presently instructing Science and Mathetmatics at the Middle, Jr. and Sr. High levels. I have a B.A. degree in Anthropology specializing in Biological Anthropology, Religious Studies and Sociology. I have several years of both volunteer and work experience in the field of Anthropology. I am a Volunteer in the Education Department at the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History.
Teacher's preferred teaching style:
I expect my students to complete the assigned work before they come to class. I expect the students to feel free to ask me questions concerning any material related to the topic matter. I will assign certain topic related paper projects, and two exams (midterm and final). This is a complicated topic and will require that all students keep up with the required readings and provided materials.

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